
Wednesday, 31 August 2022

Trying Not To Be a Wonky Donkey

Hee-haw! I'm a donkey.
Lately, my "normal" bed time is 7pm.  Add to that, the issues with nausea I've been having, going out at night is not something I really do much of.

But last night, I did go out.  I even drove.

I went to an function for all the Toastmasters' clubs in the area.  There was a nursery rhyme theme, and my club went as Old McDonald's Farm.

I made animal ears for team members as our costumes.  Because I had a couple of week's notice, the sewing and craft work was easy to do in time.  

It was actually going out at night time that I was afraid might go all wrong.

I went as a donkey.  I was very drugged up on anti-nausea medications because I was very afraid of being a seriously wonky donkey.

I also slept for several hours through the day, and had a similar nap today as well for recovery.

Despite my fear that I'd end up having to rush out and throw up through the evening, or be unable to handle driving, it all worked out well, and I had a good night.

The days of just going and doing things on impulse are long gone.  But with a bit of care and preparation, I can still make the most of an opportunity to go out.

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